SolidGround – Group


As reliable and affordable energy is a basic requirement for modern agriculture and fish farming, we see our involvement in this area as a logical extension of the services to be provided and the value chain. We have built up a network of companies and experts that allows us to offer end to end solutions in both the decentralised and grid-connected energy environment, incorporating the latest technology. All network partners support our strategy with regard to the SDG focus and maximising value on the ground. Especially with regard to food security, it must be a declared goal to support existing small hold farmers in their development towards modern, ecological farms. Our network provides knowledge and technology from satellite-based monitoring of soil quality and moisture to setting up local organic fertiliser production facilities, from “train the trainer” initiatives to building infrastructure for renting agricultural machinery. Only by improving food security and income structures in rural areas will we be able to meet some of the most pressing challenges of our time.